Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great Weekend

This was a great weekend. And things are looking up compared to my last post. Thanks for all the positive feedback. Saturday we attended the Tierasanta SDA church cause Emeline was part of the singing. It is a very beautiful sanctuary and people are very laid back. Grades K-6 performed some lively upbeat cute songs. I don't think any other churches would have appreciated it cause their was dancing, and swaying going on. But this church was just perfect for the kids music. The little kids are such fun to watch. One kid kept jumping off the steps, another was sucking her thumb, Emeline kept lifting up her dress. They sang their little hearts out and it was fun to see. Sunday we did earn the pumpkin patch trip. The kids brought their monies from their banks and with the contribution of grandpa K. were able to buy enough tickets to do several rides. The highlight was buying baby pumpkins to carve. Then we went and had a lovely picnic at the Bonita park. As you know I love to decorate my house in tune with the seasons. Came home and decorated for Halloween and Thanksgiving. House is clean and tidy. Too bad all the fun has to end. Time for dinner, baths, and bed. But I will be up pulling late nights to get my school work done. Gonna be a long week ahead. Will be awhile till the next post. Happy new week to all of you.


maybe strawberry said...

yay for a great weekend. sounds like you had a lot of fun today

Mama Bear said...

We were at the punkin patch today too. We must've just missed you. We didn't stay long though because it was getting chilly and we weren't dressed for the cold weather.

Mama of 2 Hapas said...

Ryan's school went on a train ride to a pumpkin patch on Friday. He brought home a huge pumpkin, but we haven't carved it yet. I guess I'll have to take Ella on her own.