Sunday, October 5, 2008


Fall has finally come. YES!!!! It hit the 70's and 60's and we had RAIN last night, well just a hearty sprinkling. But I had to break out the winter PJ's! The air is crisp and clean. Yesterday we enjoyed family time at the zoo. I discovered they have this huge bird aviary with waterfalls, tropical birds, and luscious green foliage. I think that is my favorite spot. If ever I need a solitude place to run and hide and be alone that would be it. They also have a garden of Hawaiian plants and flowers. It was also fascinating to watch the swamp monkeys and river otters play. Near the monkey trail is this huge grassy knoll where the kids just ran around in circles playing tag. It is nice to be able to take our time and just explore a few spots and places at a time. Good times. Today will be spent getting some housework and homework done. Ugh. While the air is fresh I want to take the kids out to play with bubbles and ride their bikes a bit. Noah and I had a stuffed up nose which is fast moving. Mine seems to be settling in my throat now. I guess that is to be expected when the weather changes. Much to do and so little time too! Happy new week to you!


maybe strawberry said...

yes! i was so happy for the rain yesterday. i'm sad that it is bright and hot outside, i was hoping for more rain. at least we have less of a chance for fire again this oct. sounds like you had a great time at the zoo. i haven't been there for a few years. ihope you and noah get better

Mama Bear said...

I love Fall too! I wish we had more rain last weekend though. But I will take what we can get.