Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feels like Spring

Weather was sunshiney, beautiful, and WARM. It reached 70's in some areas. Now that is my San Diego I am talking about. I love love love it! Now that this mom is feeling better we are back on track with things. Thank God. The daily bickering and no structured schedule was really working my nerves. I took the kids to the library for preschool story time, then to McDonalds to eat and play! I am trying a chore chart with the kids and they think it is a blast and love picking stickers at the end of the day. It is so nice to have big kid helpers! I am going to start up school again next week so I am trying to whip things into shape before then. Did 8 loads of laundry in 2 days, and deep cleaned the back rental. We may have a prospect or too. It is almost hump day and halfway through the week. Enjoy!
Thumbs Up

1 comment:

tiffany said...

I love warm weather. I cannot wait for summer!