Monday, July 2, 2007

Back 2 School

I have heard good things about National University. I think I have figured out what I want to do for work when the kids go back to school. I will be going back to school this fall and work on getting a special ed credential. Since I have a regular classroom credential it will waive half a dozen things. Also, most of my classes would be online so I don't have to sit in a lecture from 5-10. It has been in my heart for a long while to work with the Down Syndrome and special needs kids. What perfect timing. It should take me about a year and half to complete. We will definitely need to take out a loan to do it. But the people at National were so kind, caring, and helpful. It has been a long time since I was the student. I am excited. In the long run, there will be more job opportunities and since I will be working in the public school more money!!!!!! The kids and I made a yummy 4 cheese lasagna which will be our meal for 2 days. They enjoyed their outdoor pool and are currently playing Disneyland, again. On the hubby's next break we are going to get our final free movies from blockbuster so I should go. We are supposed to cancel on the 4th, but I think we better cancel on the 3rd just to be safe. It sure was fun watching free movies!!!!


maybe strawberry said...

good you figured out what to do, career wise. i'm still trying to figure out what to do. thanks for the movies you copied for us.

Mama Bear said...

I'm in the same boat.... What am I going to be when I grow up?????

Chris said...

That sounds like a great opportunity for you. I think you would be good at that.

tiffany said...

Cool, when are you starting Wendy?

sunshine said...

probably Septr or Oct.