Monday, April 16, 2007

Glad, Sad, Missing

The highlight of today's accomplishments were: baking bread and banana bread, getting all the forms filled out and faxed to the insurance about the minor accident I had, a letter sent to my grandma, and the start of filling out Noah's b-day invitations!

What a sad day for the school in Virginia. My heart has felt sad and heavy for all those involved. Can you blame me for never wanting my kids to go to school? I wish I could just keep them home with me forever. So so sad. :-(

I have wanted to sing with my karaoke machine but it is missing or misplaced! Is it at anyone's house or closet? I may have to steal yours Courtney. Or borrow it. I need to sing. I want to sing. Uggg! Help!


maybe strawberry said...

sorry wendy, i haven't seen your karaoke. it seems like we are all loosing things recently

Mama Bear said...

Haven't seen it Wendy, but I do remember that you posted not too long ago that you brought it out because you were in the mood to sing. Perhaps it's misplaced in your house somewhere?

Courtney007 said...

Sorry, I haven't see it, but let's all sing some elvis songs in Vegas, shall we!!

tiffany said...

I think we're all starting to lose our minds...or maybe just our things. heh. Maybe Paco ate it?