Thursday, September 13, 2007

No Time

I think I will only be able to blog once a week. There just isn't time for me to get the leisure to spend on here and my computer charger is dead. When plugged in it registers as 0%. I desperately need a computer for my school and fun too :-). The hubby doesn't have time to fix or make me one either. UGGG. I may even have to start going to the library to get my work done. I don't want this to be all complaints.

I haven't taken the kids to the library in over a month. Story time on Monday was all about BUGS. The kids had a blast. And of course we came home with lots of BUGGY books.

I have to do 9 fieldwork projects of which I have to find my own teachers and classes to observe and evaluate. I was on the phone last week. Wasn't getting anywhere so I got dressed up this week and started driving to different schools. Personal contact does work out much better. I found this awesome special ed school in Chula Vista off of Telegraph and Oleander. I have been there everyday this week doing projects. I observed the playground, a moderate to severe class and a mild to moderate class. Everyone is super nice at the school. I am amazed at how the regular ed kids treat the special ed kids. They are so friendly and nice and try to include them in games. I have heard nothing but nice things from the staff at what a wonderful and excellent place the school is. Of course I am gathering names of important people and phone numbers and e-mails for future reference. After today's observation of the severe handicap class I know those are the kids I want to teach. The teacher let me feed, do physical therapy, P.E. and music with the class. It was so awesome. These kids are NOT vegetables and CAN learn. They smile and make movements and respond to you. Most had cerebral palsy or were retarded (mentally challenged is the proper term). They are so sweet and love to smile and be touched. The teacher told me I was the BEST student teacher he has had. Most just want to come in and get their questions answered and leave. I put all that busy work aside and just jumped in to assist and be with the kids. He said I would be just wonderful to the special ed field and the kind of teacher these kids need. I can't wait!!!!!

I bought a Halloween costume today!!!! I want to tell you so bad, but come to the Harvest Festival to see it. My hubby said he is embarrassed for me. I love getting goofy. He is just a poop and doesn't want to dress up and have fun. The kids and I are all set. It has to do with our booth theme. If you know what we are selling or think you know our theme keep it on the low down please. That is all I am going to say about that. Hehehehe! :-)0

We will be going to Pine Springs Ranch over the weekend for the Adventurer leadership convention. We were going to just tent. Mom B. felt bad for us and called them to see if a room was available in the lodge. They were all full and someone just canceled. I know I keep saying this but "God is good." I can't wait to have a little R and R and the mountain experience is something our family needs. Looking forward to it. Hope all of you have a fabulous weekend!!


Courtney007 said...

Have fun!!!

maybe strawberry said...

hope you had fun at PSR. i love that place, lots of good memories. are you back today?