Saturday, June 16, 2007

I love Saturdays

Went to church at PV. Headed to hospital to get another peek at Judah Jig. Mommy April confirmed the name. Jada was also there. She is already doing a superb job as big sis. She was protecting and stroking her brother and giving him kisses. So precious. Judah looks as small as Jada's Chou Chou doll. He was just sleeping peacefully. The family was waiting to get the official sign out to go home. Rest of afternoon was spent baking cookies for Father's Day and getting the presents and gifts ready for tomorrow. Tonight we will head to the Vangie house for young adult game and computer and movie night. I love Saturdays. The hubby is off and we can just be a happy family together. Even if it is just snuggling and cuddling in bed taking a nap. Weather is just gorgeous in the 70's. Hope your first day of the weekend was great too!

1 comment:

maybe strawberry said...

sounds like a wonderful day!! so sorry we had to miss it all, in addition to tomorrow's fathers day activities. we're having a good time with the bulgarian parents too, wish we could be all together. have fun! we miss you!