Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ants and Tupperware

Woke up to black creepy crawlers all around the fireplace area. I guess now that the weather is turning warmer, the ants are coming out of hibernation. Time to put a stop to it before they invade my precious kitchen! I attended a lovely tea party this afternoon with my long time high school buddy Deweese. She and her manager were talking to me about getting into the Tupperware business. They said with my personality I got what it takes. I am not the salesperson. I love hosting and putting on parties and the free products and points. They said I could host a party and try it and if it didn't work for me I could quit with no strings or bad feelings attached. At least it will help bring in a bit of income and spending money for me! I was in a baking frenzy and made a blueberry crisp, bread, and a lasagna with tofu! Time to eat and get the family into our evening routine! Noah is already taking a siesta which means it will be a late night. Bye bye!


tiffany said...

Ugh, I hate ants!! My parents' house gets attacked every summer.

Mama Bear said...

We have ants now too. Hate them! We first saw them yesterday. Seems like no matter how clean you keep the house, they still seem to find something to eat. Now, we place our opened cereal in the fridge because they seem to LOVE our cereal.