Sunday, August 1, 2010


Introducing Shimmer Barizo

Shimmer the sleepy head baby kitty

Shimmer our new kitten-6 weeks

Well, believe it or not August is already here. On the final 2 week countdown till summer vacation is over and back to school and the grind. I have another interview coming up this week. Long term sub assignment in Encinitas for grades K-3 though. Been picking up some sub assignments already from colleagues and friends. Some work is better then no work. My student loans are a coming in next month boo. Emeline started piano lessons and seems excited about it so far. I enjoy playing the duets with her. I love kitties and for the past two years have wanted one so bad. Enjoy. Here is the newest member Shimmer. Cute yes, but so much like taking care of a newborn baby, not all so cute, especially waking up with her at night to eat, play, and poo. Been keeping her in Paco's bag by the bed, cause being a new mommy I just don't trust her to go free all through the night. Tonight will be the test though. Gotta get my rest so I am not accused of being "grumpy mommy." No other news for now.


Mama Bear said...

Good luck on your interview for the long term assigment.

maybe strawberry said...

she is a pretty little kitty. good luck with your interview.

Mary said...

How adorable! I love kitties! It's the only time I can really pet cats since I'm allergic to them.